Sunday, July 04, 2010

We've Moved!

Dear Friends of The Distributist Review and The ChesterBelloc Mandate,

On the 4th of July, we are proud to present our brand new web site, The Distributist Review. The Distributist Review will provide analysis of our contemporary social and economic world, with the addition of vintage essays from G.K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc, and the early Distributist League. The site’s primary focus is Distributism and its relationship to the world we live in. Whether discussing capital and labor, urban and rural reform, politics, or “what is wrong with the world,” we strive to deposit the proper perspective on the fundamentals needed for social and economic restoration, as our readers want to know what prescription we can offer for the building of a practical Distributist culture.

Our mission is to pave the way for common ground between diverse political backgrounds, working tirelessly to harmonize social justice and orthodoxy, and helping to build the framework necessary for the creation of a popular Distributist movement.

In addition, our web site will now include guest contributions, movie and book reviews, audio and video resources, downloadable materials, and a print/PDF feature for all of our articles.

Please join us, bookmark our site, and help us to spread the word.

Go to and do not forget to order “Jobs of Our Own” by Dr. Race Mathews by going to

Neither Left nor Right. Looking back and moving forward. The restoration is up to you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Schedule Change for Chesterton Conference


If you plan to attend this year's Chesterton conference, please be aware that changes have been made to the schedule. Joseph Pearce will now speak on Friday.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The New Devereux

Dear Friends,

For some time the editors of The Distributist Review have been on a mission to move beyond the shores of Blogger. While this has been our happy home for almost six years, our principle objective to find a new design that could marry The Chesterbelloc Mandate and The Distributist Review is now mission accomplished. With this new site our readers will receive the best vintage material and current analysis of the Distributist model, and we are confident our template has the right spit and polish to attract new readership and bring attention to this very important journal.

What Can You Expect?
The Distributist Review's new home promises a fresh dynamic. While retaining its hard-hitting commentary and superb analysis, our site's attractive features will increase readership and re-energize the Distributist movement. We've added book and movie reviews, foreign language articles, guest contributions from academics and laymen in the trenches, social networking icons so you can post our articles on Facebook or Tweet them, podcasts, written interviews, and printing or PDF options (TBA).

An announcement with the new url for The Distributist Review will be made over the 4th of July weekend. We invite you to join us at our new home, add our new address to your websites, and tell your family and friends about us.

On a personal note, I wish to thank all our contributing editors over the years for giving so much of their time, effort, and heart. They truly outline sanity. They do not do this for thanks nor do they receive the compensation they deserve. What they do is not just for us, but for Christ the King! May God bless all of you. Your articles reflect how grace is a call to action.

Servire Deo regnare est!

PS: While some articles will be migrated to our new domain, this web site will remain available as an archive.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Chesterton Conference 2010

Remember friends, if you cannot make the entire conference you can always purchase tickets for just one day. This is a great opportunity to listen to some great Chestertonians and talk shop. Networking with one another is an excellent way to organize and build future relationships. I want to personally meet every single one of you.

So if you cannot make the entire event, consider coming out Friday or Saturday. Talks will include "Scientism: The Mistake About Science," "GKC and Edmund Burke: The Mistake About Conservatism," "The Mistake About the Social Services," and the highly anticipated talk by Joseph Pearce (author of "Small Is Still Beautiful") titled "The Mistake About Progress."

If you can't make all three days, come out Friday or Saturday. See you there!

To register, go to

29th Annual G.K. Chesterton Conference
Mt. St. Mary's University
Emmitsburg, Maryland
August 5-7th

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Grand Illusion

To read the article go to The Distributist Review.

Monday, May 17, 2010

From Dale Ahlquist

An urgent appeal from Dale Ahlquist, President of American Chesterton Society:

Chestertonians !!

In all of the American Chesterton Society’s good work, one of the most exciting things we have ever gotten involved in is helping to start a new high school. Chesterton Academy is just completing its second year of operations in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. We featured a cover story about it in Gilbert Magazine not long ago, but it has received other national press because of its uniquely integrated curriculum, its comprehensive approach to classical learning, its faith-based education, its affordable tuition and the fact that it is a grass roots effort. We are trying to fix what’s wrong with the world, and we’re doing more than sitting around and talking about it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yes to a Plan, No to this One

The Distributist Review

Monday, April 20, 2009

Distributism by Thomas Storck

Dear Friends,

For all who wish to read a copy of Mr. Storck's paper from the "Catholicism and Economics" conference, please go to The Distributist Review.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Capitalist-Socialist-Distributist Conference

For the article, please go to The Distributist Review.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Servire Deo Regnare Est!

Dear friends of The Society for Distributism,

Tomorrow we embark on a new adventure. As most of you are aware, Thomas Storck will represent The Society for Distributism at the Nassau Community College Center for Catholic Studies’ “Catholicism and Economics” conference/debate, in Garden City, New York. John Médaille, Ryan Grant, Jeremiah Bannister, Bill Powell, and myself will be present at the debate and we hope to see many of you there. Please make sure to stop by our table after the event and introduce yourselves. We look forward to meeting with you.

Interview with Thomas Storck

On Cooperative Ownership

John Médaille Interview in Romania

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